ATTORNEYS: Justin Blow, Attorney-At-Law Serving Greater Denver, Colorado 720-432-7711 Admitted to practice in both Colorado and Florida State courts, as well as the United States Federal District Courts for Colorado and the Northern and Middle Districts of Florida. Justin's practice is primarily criminal defense and asset forfeiture in State and Federal court. He has experience representing clients charged with a variety of offenses - from DUI to DUI Manslaughter; firearms law violations, violent crimes from simple battery to attempted murder, and a variety of drug crimes ranging from simple possession to trafficking. GUN PARTS: Heller Arms Ltd. - Thomas W. Heller (Parts and magazines for auto pistols) P.O. Box 398, Saint Charles, M0 63302 phone 636-447-3006 Jack First Gun Shop, Inc. Bob's Gun Shop Numrich (Gun Parts Corp.) SARCO, Inc. Western Gun Parts (Canada) Vintage Grips (Reproduction grips & buttplates) Lee's Gun Parts Brownell's Poppert's Gun Parts Wisner's Parts (New made parts) More Gun Part Links BOOKS: Here is an on-line book store, located in Silver City, New Mexico, owned by my friend, Dutch Salmon. If you're looking for interesting books (new & used) on Hunting, Western Americana, Natural History and the Great Outdoors, give him a try! High Lonesome Books GUNMAKERS & ENGRAVERS: The following site belongs to my good friend, Jack Brooks, of Englewood, Colorado. Jack makes extraordinary handcrafted American Heritage Long Rifles which are works of art! "I feel blessed to be able to follow a profession that I love. For me, making and restoring American long rifles combines my love of art and history. I enjoy working with my hands and producing pieces of art that are long lasting and bring pleasure and satisfaction to my customers. Working in the style of the 18th century gives me a better understanding of antique rifles and the men that made them. The making of a fine long rifle requires mastery of several skills. The pursuit of these skills is both challenging and rewarding."Jack Brooks, American Heritage Long Rifles: New Rifles and Restorations
Marco Frühauf, Master Gunmaker & Hendrik Frühauf, Master Engraver ORGANIZATIONS: National Automatic Pistol Collectors Association (NAPCA) National Rifle Association (NRA) Browning Collectors Association (BCA) Colt Collectors Association Ohio Gun Collectors Association (OGCA) Marlin Firearms Collectors Association Historical Breechloading Smallarms Association (HSBA) Colorado Gun Collectors Association (CGCA) New Mexico Gun Collectors Association (NMGCA) Gun Owners of America (GOA) GunCite - Documents on Second Amendment and Gun Control REFERENCE: Firearms Bibliography (Smithsonian) DEALERS & COLLECTORS REFERENCE: Land of Borchardt - My friend Chuck Whittaker's excellent reference on Borchardt and Luger Pistols.
Excellent photos and data! Ian Skennerton - Notable author (Enfield products, etc.), publisher and a good friend! Horst Held - Antique Firearms. A good friend and well known dealer Service Publications - Books for collectors - by my good friend, Clive Law Gerhard Schoenbauer - Vestpocket Pistols - Interesting Site! Dave Koch - Savage Pistols - another great site! Hoffmeyer's - Collector Guns C&R Collectors - - Adam Firestone - Great Site for Curio & Relic Firearms The Luger Forum Firearms Technical & Historical Site - Collectors Information and ebooks. From Belgium Interesting Site specializing in Martini & Martini-Henry Rifles. Much collector information! All aspects of Martini Rifles. Much information! MORE LINKS: Hunter Shooters Association